J. M. Dias Pereira (M’00–SM’04) was born in Portugal in 1959. He received is degrees in Electrical Engineering from the Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) of the Technical University of Lisbon (UTL) in 1982. He starts his professional activities as a teacher in IST and during almost eight years he worked for Portugal Telecom in digital switching and transmission systems. In 1992, he returned to teaching activities as an Assistant Professor in Escola Superior de Tecnologia of Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal, where he is, at present, a Principal Coordinator Professor. In 1995 he received the MSc degree, in 1999 the PhD degree and in 2008 he finish its Aggregation in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science in IST. He is a Senior Research Member of Instituto de Telecomunicações and his main research interests are included in the Instrumentation and Measurements fields.
Fields of Interest: Automated measurement systems; A/D conversion; virtual measurement systems; smart sensing; signal conditioning and data processing; biomedical signal acquisition and processing.
Expertise: Instrumentation and measurement systems; industrial measurements, communications and protocols.