Every year, IEEE members from IEEE Sections, Student Branches, Affinity groups, and Society Chapters join hands to celebrate IEEE Day.
This year on October 4th, IEEE Senior and Student members, together with other invited researchers from Instituto de Telecomunicacoes (IT), IUL branch (IT-IUL) celebrated the IEEE day, by organizing a one day event that comprised a meeting between the research groups, an IEEE lunch and a full afternoon that included the presentation of research projects, research results and demonstrations.
The research presented mainly focussed in the field of Telecommunications, Multimedia, Instrumentation and Measurements, Information Systems and Artificial Intelligence. The main guests of the event were Prof. José Carlos Pedro, IEEE Felow and President of Instituto de Telecomunicacoes, which is a National and International recognized Associate Laboratory, as well as the former president of IT, Prof. Carlos Salema, also president of the Academy of Science of Portugal.
During the activities, important talks were given by the current IEEE IMS Portugal Chapter and International IEEE IMS Chapter Liaison Chair, Prof. Octavian Postolache, who collaborated on the organization of the event, together with Prof. Francisco Cercas and Prof. João Rebola, that also presented developments made by IT-IUL related to hot topics of telecommunications and highlighting the strength in the collaboration between telecommunications and instrumentation. This was underlined considering that the event was part of IEEE IMS TC-13 programmed activities for 2022.
Important contribution to the event come from PhD students and active members of the Iscte IEEE Student Branch and IEEE IMS Student Chapter, represented by IEEE student members, Mariana Jacob Rodrigues, and Gonçalo Ribeiro.
The memorable 2022 IEEE Day was immortalized in photos, presented in the following gallery.