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Date: 26 May 2021 | 16h00 - 18h00 GMT
B2.03 Auditorium - ISCTE-IUL
Description of the Event:
This workshop will bring together researchers from different scientific areas to explore the bridge between classical knowledges, technology and art. A set of presentations will address different aspects of research areas that involve engineering and technology, as well as health, social sciencies and arts. Special guests from “Stefan cel Mare” University of Suceava , Neuroaesthetics Laboratory in Romania will give insights of the neurophysiological mechanisms involved in the creation and perception of art, based on quantitative science methods and qualitative humanities research.
The workshop will also have the participation of Prof. Luisa Lima, the leader of Iscte_Health iniciative and active researcher in the field of psychology and arts will present the way Arts can potentially impact both mental and physical health.
This workshop is opened to researchers and MSc, PhD students of all scientific areas, mainly familiar with technological fields or social sciences.
Team and Projects Synopsis for PoeticA, NeuroArts, VIVAET©
| 16h10 - 16h25 GMT

Tudor Balinisteanu
Project Leader/PI and Senior Reasearcher.
Dr. Tudor BALINISTEANU works at the intersection of several fields within neuroaesthetics and medical humanities, with 4 single author monographs (of which 3 specifically on W. B. Yeats’s poetry) and articles in US, UK, Irish, and Canadian journals in literary studies and social & behavioural sciences.
Experiencing Arts and Sensing Health –the case of music
| 16h25 - 16h40 GMT

Maria Luísa Lima
Full professor of Social Psychology at ISCTE – University Institute of Lisbon, her research applies social psychology to environmental and health issues. She was the president of the Portuguese Psychological Association, and she represented Portugal in the Scientific Council for the Social Sciences at the European Science Foundation. She served ISCTE as the Head of the School of Social Sciences and Humanities and presently as Head of the Scientific Council of the University and President of Iscte_Health. She is Honorary Professor at the University of Bath.
EEG - Acquisition and Signal Processing
| 16h40 - 17h05 GMT

Oana Geman
Dr. Oana GEMAN, Associate Professor at the Human and Health Development Department, University of Suceava with Habilitation in Electronics, Telecommunication and Information Technologies. Her expertise includes: non-invasive measurements of biomedical signals (EEG, ECG, HR etc.), wireless sensors, signal processing, and processing information by way of Artificial Intelligence such as nonlinear dynamics analysis, stochastic networks and neuro-fuzzy methods, classification and prediction, Data-Mining, Deep Learning, Intelligent Systems and Biomedical Applications.

Diana Izdrui
Diana IZDRUI, is a PhD student and research assistant in applied electronics and neuroaesthetics. She is an Engineer and a Ph.D. student at the University of Suceava in cotutelle with ISCTE – Instituto Universitario de Lisboa, studying Electronics. She has a MSc degree (2020) in Applied Electronics at Technical University of Iasi. Her studies in Applied Electronics systems for Parkinson’s disease during college (BSc thesis: “Optical Sensors Network with Applicability in Intelligent Clothing”, continued by the MSc thesis: Optical Sensors for Intelligent Clothing”) brought her together with the others in this project.
Mind-Wondering When Listening and/or Reading Literary Text
| 17h05 - 17h20 GMT

Simona Nastase
Simona NASTASE, is a PhD student and research assistant in psycholinguistics and neuroaesthetics. She is Clinical Psychologist with a background in the arts. She is interested in non-invasive and creative interventions for social anxiety and neurodegenerative diseases. Simona has a Master in Clinical Psychology from University Babes Bolyai, Cluj Napoca. Her current interest in research is on social anxiety and depression and the potential of interventions based on acting and improvisation as a treatment for subclinical cases.

Octavian Postolache
IEEE IMS Portugal Chair | IEEE IMS TC-13 Chair | IEEE IMS Distinguished Lecturer | Instituto de Telecomunicações - IUL Director | IEEE Sensors Journal Associate Editor

Mariana Jacob Rodrigues
IEEE Student Branch Vice-Chair | IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) Affinity Group Chair and IEEE IMS Chapter Chair of ISCTE-IUL