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Cisco WebEx | Friday, December 11, 2020 | 16h00 GMT

Invited Speaker - David Anseán

A State of Health Determination of Lithium-Ion Batteries: A Mechanistic Approach

Friday, December 11, 2020 - 16h00 GMT


State of health (SOH) determination in lithium-ion batteries (LIB) is an essential parameter to proper manage and control the batteries within a battery-powered system. To accurately track SOH, quantification of the degradation processes in LIBs is essential. In LIBs, degradation originates from complex inner physico-chemical processes, usually interacting simultaneously in various degrees of intensity. Due to its complexity, to date, identifying battery aging mechanisms to accurately track SOH remains challenging.

Still, improvements in battery SOH identification have been developed, including validated, in-situ techniques such as incremental capacity (IC) and peak area (PA), coupled with mechanistic modeling construction and simulation.

In this webinar, we will present the first principles of LIBs to gain the basic knowledge on cell degradation mechanisms. Then, we will introduce the necessary tools and concepts to carry out in-situ aging mode identification via IC techniques and look-up tables. We then present some examples to illustrate the use of the proposed approach to determine the state of health of a battery. We also highlight in the webinar the importance of aiming to bridge gaps in knowledge between electrical engineering and battery science toward battery degradation identification.

David Anseán
University of Oviedo, Spain

David Anseán received the M.Eng. degree from the University of Granada, (Spain), in 2007, and the Ph.D. degree (with honors) from the University of Oviedo, (Spain), in 2015, both in electronics engineering.

Before pursuing his PhD, he gained international industry experience (Basingstoke, U.K., and Berkeley, CA, USA) in technological companies. As a doctoral student, he was the recipient of a research fellowship stay at the Electrochemical Power Systems Laboratory, at the University of Hawaii, USA, which he later joint as a Postdoctoral Fellow, to work in Dr. Dubarry’s group on advanced diagnosis and prognosis techniques on lithium-ion batteries on.

Since 2016 he is an Assistant Professor at the University of Oviedo, where he is the instructor of undergraduate and graduate courses including power electronics, digital integrated circuits, and embedded systems. His research interests include lithium-ion battery degradation mechanisms analysis via non-invasive methods, battery testing and characterization, and design of battery fast charging.

In 2018 and in 2019 he was the recipient of Visiting Scholar Research Fellowships and joined the Institute for Power Electronics and Electrical Drives (ISEA) at RWTH Aachen University (Germany), and the Electrochemical Power Systems Laboratory, at the University of Hawaii, (USA), respectively.

Invited Speaker - Klaus Moessner

Connecting the IoT – Is 5G just one more connectivity type or a game changer?

Friday, December 11, 2020 - 16h50 GMT


While the business logic and services are the actual core of IoT deployments, it’s the devices and gadgets that get typically the most attention. The exchange of data and control information, meaning the connectivity of the various system components is mostly assumed as present by IoT service developers. And as long as services or IoT systems were not mission critical and were mainly in domains and application scenarios where the IoT features were a ‘nice to have’ rather than absolute necessity, it was also no problem if connectivity was an afterthought.

With IoT reaching farer into healthcare, into the delivery of crucial services in cities, in the management of electricity networks, into industrial processes, or into monitoring and ensuring animal welfare (the list goes on), reliable connectivity and dependable services become also increasingly an absolute hard requirement.

This talk will look into a number of competing communication technologies that all are being used in different IoT deployments, it will discuss the pros and cons of using one such technology over the other and will discuss the particular role that 5G networks may play in accelerating the growth of IoT.

Klaus Moessner
Chemnitz University of Technology  

Klaus Moessner is Professor for Communications Engineering at the University of Technology Chemnitz (Germany), and also Professor in Cognitive Networks at the Institute for Communication Systems at the University of Surrey (UK). Klaus was involved in a large number of projects in the Cognitive Communications, Service provision and IoT areas. He was responsible for the work on cognitive decision-making mechanisms in the CR project ORACLE, led the work on radio awareness in the ICT FP7 project QoSMOS, and was leading the H2020 Speed5G project. In the past, Klaus was the founding chair of the IEEE DYSPAN Working Group (WG6) on Sensing Interfaces for future and cognitive communication systems. His research interests include cognitive networks, IoT deployments and sensor data based knowledge generation, as well as reconfiguration and resource management; he is senior member of the IEEE.

He led the EU-Taiwan project Clear5G investigating the extensions 5G systems need to serve the particular requirements of the Factories of the Future and was responsible for the Surrey Platform in the H2020 project 5GENESIS, which provides trial and experimentation facilities for 5G services and applications.