IEEE IMS Doctoral Consortium – IEEE IMS Portugal & Spain Chapters

November 18th, 2022 | 14h-16h30 | AA3.40 | Iscte - University Institute of Lisbon

The Doctoral Consortium provides a unique opportunity for students who are starting the PhD or at the middle of their PhD research, to interact with experienced researchers from different specializations of the doctoral in information science and technologies. Senior members (mentors) of the scientific community will interact with the PhD students presenters, giving advice related to their future research.

All students and mentors from two IEEE IMS communities (Portugal and Spain) will attend the IEEE IMS Doctoral Consortium, which will be done face-to-face and on-line. The students will have the opportunity to discuss their ongoing research and career plans with the IEEE mentors. Short presentations about the student’s PhD projects will be made, for about 15 min, and the feedback and interaction with the mentors which will also have the  duration of 15 min.  Additionally, interaction with students close to finishing their doctoral research will be considered for the end of the activities where suggestions can be also considered from this group of participants.

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Program Schedule

Opening Session
Prof. Octavian Postolache and Prof. Jesus Urena

“Hardware/software achitecture for a high measurement rate VLP”
David Moltó Orozco, University of Alcalá, Spain.

“Research and Contribution on Smart Systems and AI Modelling for Chronical Diseases”

Gonçalo Ribeiro,  Iscte – Instituto Universitario de Lisboa, Portugal

“Improvement of independent living through intelligent power consumption analysis”

Laura de Diego Otón, University of Alcalá, Spain.

“Reconfigurable Metasurfaces for 6G application”
Fábio Martinho Cardoso, Iscte – Instituto Universitario de Lisboa, Portugal

“Millimetre Wave Radar System for Safe Flight of Drones in Human-Transited Environments”
Felipe Parralejo Rodríguez, University of Extremadura, Spain.

“Light Field Coding and Transmission using Deep Learning”
Muhammad Zubair, Iscte – Instituto Universitario de Lisboa, Portugal

Closing Remarks

Event Organizers

Prof. Octavian Postolache

ISCTE - University Institute of Lisbon
Chair of IEEE IMS Portugal Chapter

Prof. Jesús Ureña

University of Alcalá
Chair of IEEE IMS Spain Chapter