Last 27th of April,  the IEEE IMS PT chapter organized the 4th round of the Workshop Technologies for Everyday Life.

The workshop had as invited speakers professors and researchers from Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan.
Prof. Guilnur Tyulepberdinova presented the recent advancements on the development of intellectual information and analytical systems using cloud technologies.
Prof. Murat Kunelbayev gave an insightful presentation regarding mathematical and computer models development for fiber optic sensors based on periodic Bragg structures.
Exploring the field of telecommunications systems, Prof. Muratbek Jamashalov presented methods for measuring electromagnetic compatibility (EMC).
Regarding the study of nucleon spin structure and spin-related phenomena with polarized proton and deuteron beams using the specialised Spin Physics Detector (SPD), Prof. Gulshat Amirkhanova shared valuable insights about her research area.

The workshop also had as invited speakers Prof. Oana Geman, from „Ștefan cel Mare” University of Suceava, Romania, who presented the development of smart sensors and actuators for people with hand motion impairment.

Prof. Octavian Postolache presented the workshop closing remarks and spoke about the Instituto de Telecomunicações research center and the ongoing research projects.