Last 14th of June, IEEE IMSPT chapter organized Workshop Technologies for Healthcare. The workshop had as main invited speaker Prof. Cristian Gyozo Haba from “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iaşi, Romania. Prof. Cristian Gyozo Haba presented his research about Embedded Systems for Ambient Assisted Living.
Prof. Octavian Postolache introduced the event and spoke about TailorPhy Project – Smart Sensors and Tailored Environments for Physiotherapy.
Prof. Cristian Gyozo Haba from “Gh. Asachi” UTI, Romania,was the main invited speaker, and gave a talk titled “Embedded Systems for Ambient Assisted Living”.
Then, Valber Calvancanti Rosa spoke about Sensors and Signal Processing for Emotion Monitoring and Fernando Bento talked about his personal experience in the context of Information Systems and its oportunities in what concerns connections to Internet of Things.
Then, Prof. Vitor Viegas presented presetnted a Smart Walker Prototype for Gait Assessment.
Then, André Antunes showed JustPhysioKidding Platform for Physical Rehabilitation. Eduardo Reis and Luis Teixeira presented their work related to serious games, in which they tailored virtual environments for upper limbs rehabilitation. Filipe Lourenco also presented a work related to serious games “Cubes”, a leap motion controller based serious game for physical rehabilitation.
In the end, some of the researchers also presented demos.