IEEE IMS Portugal, Spain and Germany Chapters
The Doctoral Consortium provides a unique opportunity for students who are starting the PhD or at the middle of their PhD research, to interact with experienced researchers from different specializations of the doctoral in information science and technologies. Senior members (mentors) of the scientific community will interact with the PhD students presenters, giving advice related to their future research.
All invited PhD students and supervisors from two IEEE IMS communities (Portugal, Spain and Germany ) will attend the IEEE IMS Doctoral Consortium, which will be done face-to-face and on-line. The students will have the opportunity to discuss their ongoing research and career plans with the IEEE mentors. Short presentations about the student’s PhD projects will be made, for about 15 min, and the feedback and interaction with the mentors which will also have the duration of 15 min. Additionally, interaction with students close to finishing their doctoral research will be considered for the end of the activities where suggestions can be also considered from this group of participants.
Iscte-Sintra is Iscte’s new school dedicated to teaching and research in Applied Digital Technologies, located in the town of Sintra.
The IEEE IMS doctoral consortium will take place in the Iscte’s new school, in room P2.02.

Prof. Olfa Kanoun, University of Chemnitz, Germany,
Prof. Francisco Ferrero Martin, University of Oviedo, Spain,
Prof. Octavian Postolache -University Institute of Lisbon, Portugal
Doctoral Consortium Program – Hybrid Mode
16.00 – 16.10 Open Ceremony
Prof. Olfa Kanoun, University of Chemnitz, Germany
Prof. Francisco Ferrero Martin, University of Oviedo, Spain
Prof. Braulio Alturas, Iscte- University Institute of Lisbon, Portugal
Prof. Octavian Postolache – University Institute of Lisbon, Portugal
16.10- 16.25
sEMG-based Investigations for Hand Force Exercises Classification
Hiba Hellara, Germany
Hybrid Measurement Methods for Epileptic Seizures Classification
Achraf Djemal, Germany
Development of On-Site and Non-Invasive Sensors for Quality Control in Agri-Food
Candela Melendreras García, University of Oviedo, Spain
Coffee Break
Development of Portable Optical Biosensors for Biomarker Detection Based on the Use of Nanomaterials
Guillermo Redondo Fernandez, Spain, University of Oviedo, Spain
Development of Smart Lab for Production of Chemiresistive Sensors
Bibars Amalgeldy, Al Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan
Exploring the Metaverse perceptions among gamers
Mónica Cruz, Iscte-University Institute of Lisbon, Portugal
Research and Contribution on Smart Systems and AI Modelling for Chronical Diseases
Gonçalo Ribeiro, Iscte-University Institute of Lisbon, Portugal
18.10 – 18. 20 Closing Remarks
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