Title: Infrared Thermography, a Challenging Tool
Temperature measurements are very common both, in Industry and Medicine, as a primary indicator that somethings is going wrong. In this context, infrared thermography appears as an important tool, as it can give a thermal map enabling the technicians to immediately focus the attention in the hot spots. This technique works at distance and doesn’t used ionized radiation, making its use completely safety.
This talk will introduce the Infrared Thermography theme, covering from A to Z, physics, devices, software and applications. This session will be complemented by a hands on demo to allow a more direct contact with this technology.

Invited Speaker
Joaquim Gabriel Magalhães Mendes
Associate Professor at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto
Joaquim Gabriel Mendes was born in Porto, Portugal, in November 2nd, 1965. He received the degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Faculty of Engineering (UPorto, 1988), specialization on machine design; a post-graduation in Industrial Automation and Process Management; a Master in Industrial Computing (UPorto), and a PhD in Industrial Electronics (University of Minho, Portugal).
He was research fellow of JNICT (National Research Association, 1989) and from the Japanese Ministry of Industry EU-STA at Kanagawa Science Park, Japan (1995-97). In 2012 he was invited researcher at Yokohama City University, Japan.
He is currently professor at FEUP, integrated in the Automation, Instrumentation and Control group, teaching these subjects in the MSc courses of Management and Industrial Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Computers, Chemistry, Bioengineering.
Joaquim Gabriel Mendes is researcher of member of INEGI – Institute of Science and Innovation in Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Engineering (Portugal) and LAETA – Associate Laboratory of Energy, Transport and Aeronautics (Portugal), and collaborating member of UPorto Biomechanics Lab, external researcher of Cardiovascular Unit of the Faculty of Medicine.
He is member of the European Association of Thermology and chairman of the QIRT 2020 (Quantitative InfraRed Thermography conference).
He has been working in thermography since 2006, being now responsible for the larger research group in this field in Portugal. Now-a-days he owns eight thermal cameras and a black body to support the ongoing research works.
His main interests are instrumentation, supervisory control and data acquisition – SCADA, industrial automation, medical devices, thermography.